Source code for pgtrigger.contrib

"""Additional goodies"""
from pgtrigger import core
from pgtrigger import utils

# A sentinel value to determine if a kwarg is unset
_unset = object()

[docs]class Protect(core.Trigger): """A trigger that raises an exception.""" when = core.Before def get_func(self, model): sql = f""" RAISE EXCEPTION 'pgtrigger: Cannot {str(self.operation).lower()} rows from % table', TG_TABLE_NAME; """ return self.format_sql(sql)
[docs]class FSM(core.Trigger): """Enforces a finite state machine on a field. Supply the trigger with the "field" that transitions and then a list of tuples of valid transitions to the "transitions" argument. .. note:: Only non-null ``CharField`` fields are currently supported. """ when = core.Before operation = core.Update field = None transitions = None def __init__(self, *, name=None, condition=None, field=None, transitions=None): self.field = field or self.field self.transitions = transitions or self.transitions if not self.field: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Must provide "field" for FSM') if not self.transitions: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Must provide "transitions" for FSM') super().__init__(name=name, condition=condition) def get_declare(self, model): return [("_is_valid_transition", "BOOLEAN")] def get_func(self, model): col = model._meta.get_field(self.field).column transition_uris = "{" + ",".join([f"{old}:{new}" for old, new in self.transitions]) + "}" sql = f""" SELECT CONCAT(OLD.{utils.quote(col)}, ':', NEW.{utils.quote(col)}) = ANY('{transition_uris}'::text[]) INTO _is_valid_transition; IF (_is_valid_transition IS FALSE AND OLD.{utils.quote(col)} IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.{utils.quote(col)}) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'pgtrigger: Invalid transition of field "{self.field}" from "%" to "%" on table %', OLD.{utils.quote(col)}, NEW.{utils.quote(col)}, TG_TABLE_NAME; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; """ # noqa return self.format_sql(sql)
[docs]class SoftDelete(core.Trigger): """Sets a field to a value when a delete happens. Supply the trigger with the "field" that will be set upon deletion and the "value" to which it should be set. The "value" defaults to ``False``. .. note:: This trigger currently only supports nullable ``BooleanField``, ``CharField``, and ``IntField`` fields. """ when = core.Before operation = core.Delete field = None value = False def __init__(self, *, name=None, condition=None, field=None, value=_unset): self.field = field or self.field self.value = value if value is not _unset else self.value if not self.field: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Must provide "field" for soft delete') super().__init__(name=name, condition=condition) def get_func(self, model): soft_field = model._meta.get_field(self.field).column pk_col = def _render_value(): if self.value is None: return "NULL" elif isinstance(self.value, str): return f"'{self.value}'" else: return str(self.value) sql = f""" UPDATE {utils.quote(model._meta.db_table)} SET {soft_field} = {_render_value()} WHERE {utils.quote(pk_col)} = OLD.{utils.quote(pk_col)}; RETURN NULL; """ return self.format_sql(sql)
[docs]class UpdateSearchVector(core.Trigger): """Updates a ```` from document fields. Supply the trigger with the ``vector_field`` that will be updated with changes to the ``document_fields``. Optionally provide a ``config_name``, which defaults to ``pg_catalog.english``. This trigger uses ``tsvector_update_trigger`` to update the vector field. See `the Postgres docs <>`__ for more information. .. note:: ``UpdateSearchVector`` triggers are not compatible with `pgtrigger.ignore` since it references a built-in trigger. Trying to ignore this trigger results in a `RuntimeError`. """ # noqa when = core.Before vector_field = None document_fields = None config_name = "pg_catalog.english" def __init__(self, *, name=None, vector_field=None, document_fields=None, config_name=None): self.vector_field = vector_field or self.vector_field self.document_fields = document_fields or self.document_fields self.config_name = config_name or self.config_name if not self.vector_field: raise ValueError('Must provide "vector_field" to update search vector') if not self.document_fields: raise ValueError('Must provide "document_fields" to update search vector') if not self.config_name: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Must provide "config_name" to update search vector') super().__init__(name=name, operation=core.Insert | core.UpdateOf(*document_fields)) def ignore(self, model): raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot ignore {self.__class__.__name__} triggers") def get_func(self, model): return "" def render_execute(self, model): document_cols = [model._meta.get_field(field).column for field in self.document_fields] rendered_document_cols = ", ".join(utils.quote(col) for col in document_cols) vector_col = model._meta.get_field(self.vector_field).column return ( f"tsvector_update_trigger({utils.quote(vector_col)}," f" {utils.quote(self.config_name)}, {rendered_document_cols})" )