Source code for pgtrigger.runtime

Functions for runtime-configuration of triggers, such as ignoring
them or dynamically setting the search path.
import contextlib
import threading

from django.db import connections
import psycopg2.extensions

from pgtrigger import registry
from pgtrigger import utils

# All triggers currently being ignored
_ignore = threading.local()

# All schemas in the search path
_schema = threading.local()

def _is_concurrent_statement(sql):
    True if the sql statement is concurrent and cannot be ran in a transaction
    sql = sql.strip().lower() if sql else ''
    return sql.startswith('create') and 'concurrently' in sql

def _is_transaction_errored(cursor):
    True if the current transaction is in an errored state
    return (
        == psycopg2.extensions.TRANSACTION_STATUS_INERROR

def _can_inject_variable(cursor, sql):
    """True if we can inject a SQL variable into a statement.

    A named cursor automatically prepends
    "NO SCROLL CURSOR WITHOUT HOLD FOR" to the query, which
    causes invalid SQL to be generated. There is no way
    to override this behavior in psycopg2, so ignoring triggers
    cannot happen for named cursors. Django only names cursors
    for iterators and other statements that read the database,
    so it seems to be safe to ignore named cursors.

    Concurrent index creation is also incompatible with local variable
    setting. Ignore these cases for now.
    return (
        and not _is_concurrent_statement(sql)
        and not _is_transaction_errored(cursor)

def _inject_pgtrigger_ignore(execute, sql, params, many, context):
    A connection execution wrapper that sets a pgtrigger.ignore
    variable in the executed SQL. This lets other triggers know when
    they should ignore execution
    if _can_inject_variable(context['cursor'], sql):
        sql = "SET LOCAL pgtrigger.ignore='{" + ",".join(_ignore.value) + "}';" + sql

    return execute(sql, params, many, context)

def _set_ignore_session_state(database=None):
    """Starts a session where triggers can be ignored"""
    connection = utils.connection(database)
    if _inject_pgtrigger_ignore not in connection.execute_wrappers:
        with connection.execute_wrapper(_inject_pgtrigger_ignore):
                if connection.in_atomic_block:
                    # We've finished ignoring triggers and are in a transaction,
                    # so flush the local variable.
                    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                        cursor.execute('RESET pgtrigger.ignore;')

def _ignore_session(databases=None):
    """Starts a session where triggers can be ignored"""
    with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
        for database in utils.postgres_databases(databases):


def _set_ignore_state(model, trigger):
    Manage state to ignore a single URI
    if not hasattr(_ignore, 'value'):
        _ignore.value = set()

    pg_uri = f'{model._meta.db_table}:{trigger.get_pgid(model)}'
    if pg_uri not in _ignore.value:
    else:  # The trigger is already being ignored

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def ignore(*uris, databases=None): """ Dynamically ignore registered triggers matching URIs from executing in an individual thread. If no URIs are provided, ignore all pgtriggers from executing in an individual thread. Args: *uris (str): Trigger URIs to ignore. If none are provided, all triggers will be ignored. databases (List[str], default=None): The databases to use. If none, all postgres databases will be used. Examples: Ingore triggers in a context manager:: with pgtrigger.ignore("my_app.Model:trigger_name"): # Do stuff while ignoring trigger Ignore multiple triggers as a decorator:: @pgtrigger.ignore("my_app.Model:trigger_name", "my_app.Model:other_trigger") def my_func(): # Do stuff while ignoring trigger """ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: stack.enter_context(_ignore_session(databases=databases)) for model, trigger in registry.registered(*uris): stack.enter_context(_set_ignore_state(model, trigger)) yield
ignore.session = _ignore_session def _inject_schema(execute, sql, params, many, context): """ A connection execution wrapper that sets the schema variable in the executed SQL. """ if _can_inject_variable(context['cursor'], sql) and _schema.value: sql = ( "SET LOCAL search_path=" + ",".join(utils.quote(val) for val in _schema.value) + ";" + sql ) return execute(sql, params, many, context) @contextlib.contextmanager def _set_schema_session_state(database=None): connection = utils.connection(database) if _inject_schema not in connection.execute_wrappers: if connection.in_atomic_block: # If this is the first time we are setting the search path, # register the pre_execute_hook and store a reference to the original # search path. Note that we must use this approach because we cannot # simply RESET the search_path at the end. A user may have previously # set it with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SHOW search_path;") initial_search_path = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] with connection.execute_wrapper(_inject_schema): try: yield finally: if connection.in_atomic_block: # We've finished modifying the search path and are in a transaction, # so flush the local variable with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(f'SET search_path={initial_search_path};') else: yield @contextlib.contextmanager def _schema_session(databases=None): """Starts a session where the search path can be modified""" with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: for database in utils.postgres_databases(databases): stack.enter_context(_set_schema_session_state(database=database)) yield @contextlib.contextmanager def _set_schema_state(*schemas): if not hasattr(_schema, 'value'): # Use a list instead of a set because ordering is important to the search path _schema.value = [] schemas = [s for s in schemas if s not in _schema.value] try: _schema.value.extend(schemas) yield finally: for s in schemas: _schema.value.remove(s)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def schema(*schemas, databases=None): """ Sets the search path to the provided schemas. If nested, appends the schemas to the search path if not already in it. Args: *schemas (str): Schemas that should be appended to the search path. Schemas already in the search path from nested calls will not be appended. databases (List[str], default=None): The databases to set the search path. If none, all postgres databases will be used. """ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: stack.enter_context(_schema_session(databases=databases)) stack.enter_context(_set_schema_state(*schemas)) yield
schema.session = _schema_session
[docs]def constraints(timing, *uris, databases=None): """ Set deferrable constraint timing for the given triggers, which will persist until overridden or until end of transaction. Must be in a transaction to run this. Args: timing (``pgtrigger.Timing``): The timing value that overrides the default trigger timing. *uris (str): Trigger URIs over which to set constraint timing. If none are provided, all trigger constraint timing will be set. All triggers must be deferrable. databases (List[str], default=None): The databases on which to set constraints. If none, all postgres databases will be used. Raises: RuntimeError: If the database of any triggers is not in a transaction. ValueError: If any triggers are not deferrable. """ for model, trigger in registry.registered(*uris): if not trigger.timing: raise ValueError( f"Trigger {} on model {model._meta.label_lower} is not deferrable." ) for database in utils.postgres_databases(databases): if not connections[database].in_atomic_block: raise RuntimeError(f'Database "{database}" is not in a transaction.') names = ', '.join(trigger.get_pgid(model) for model, trigger in registry.registered(*uris)) with connections[database].cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(f'SET CONSTRAINTS {names} {timing}')