Source code for pgtrigger.core

import contextlib
import copy
import hashlib
import inspect
import logging
import threading

import django.apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connections, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, models, router, transaction
from django.db.models.expressions import Col
from django.db.models.fields.related import RelatedField
from django.db.models.sql import Query
from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import BaseTable
from django.db.utils import ProgrammingError

import pgtrigger.features
import pgtrigger.registry

# The core pgtrigger logger
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pgtrigger')

# Postgres only allows identifiers to be 63 chars max. Since "pgtrigger_"
# is the prefix for trigger names, and since an additional "_" and
# 5 character hash is added, the user-defined name of the trigger can only
# be 47 chars.
# NOTE: We can do something more sophisticated later by allowing users
# to name their triggers and then hashing the names when actually creating
# the triggers.

# Installation states for a triggers

# All triggers currently being ignored
_ignore = threading.local()

# A sentinel value to determine if a kwarg is unset
_unset = object()

def _quote(label):
    """Conditionally wraps a label in quotes"""
    if label.startswith('"'):
        return label
        return f'"{label}"'

def _get_database(model):
    Obtains the database used for a trigger / model pair. The database
    for the connection is selected based on the write DB in the database
    router config.
    return router.db_for_write(model) or DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS

def _postgres_databases(databases):
    """Given an iterable of databases, only return postgres ones"""
    return [database for database in databases if connections[database].vendor == 'postgresql']

def _get_connection(model):
    Obtains the connection used for a trigger / model pair. The database
    for the connection is selected based on the write DB in the database
    router config.
    return connections[_get_database(model)]

def _get_model(table):
    """Obtains a django model based on its table name"""
    for model in django.apps.apps.get_models():  # pragma: no branch
        if _quote(model._meta.db_table) == _quote(table) and not model._meta.proxy:
            return model

def _is_concurrent_statement(sql):
    True if the sql statement is concurrent and cannot be ran in a transaction
    sql = sql.strip().lower() if sql else ''
    return sql.startswith('create') and 'concurrently' in sql

def _inject_pgtrigger_ignore(execute, sql, params, many, context):  # pragma: no cover
    A connection execution wrapper that sets a pgtrigger.ignore
    variable in the executed SQL. This lets other triggers know when
    they should ignore execution
    cursor = context['cursor']

    # A named cursor automatically prepends
    # "NO SCROLL CURSOR WITHOUT HOLD FOR" to the query, which
    # causes invalid SQL to be generated. There is no way
    # to override this behavior in psycopg2, so ignoring triggers
    # cannot happen for named cursors. Django only names cursors
    # for iterators and other statements that read the database,
    # so it seems to be safe to ignore named cursors.
    # Concurrent index creation is also incompatible with local variable
    # setting. Ignore these cases for now.
    if not and not _is_concurrent_statement(sql):
        sql = "SET LOCAL pgtrigger.ignore='{" + ",".join(_ignore.value) + "}';" + sql

    return execute(sql, params, many, context)

[docs]def register(*triggers): """ Register the given triggers with wrapped Model class. Args: *triggers (`pgtrigger.Trigger`): Trigger classes to register. Examples: Register by decorating a model:: @pgtrigger.register( pgtrigger.Protect( name="append_only", operation=(pgtrigger.Update | pgtrigger.Delete) ) ) class MyModel(models.Model): pass Register by calling functionally:: pgtrigger.register(trigger_object)(MyModel) """ def _model_wrapper(model_class): for trigger in triggers: trigger.register(model_class) return model_class return _model_wrapper
class _Serializable: def get_init_vals(self): """Returns class initialization args so that they are properly serialized for migrations""" parameters = inspect.signature(self.__init__).parameters for key, val in parameters.items(): if key != "self" and ( not hasattr(self, key) or val.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD ): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( f"Could not automatically serialize Trigger {self.__class__} for migrations." ' Implement "get_init_vals()" on the trigger class. See the' ' FAQ in the django-pgtrigger docs for more information.' ) args = tuple( item for key, val in parameters.items() if val.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL for item in getattr(self, key) ) kwargs = { key: getattr(self, key) for key, value in parameters.items() if key != "self" and val.kind != inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL } return args, kwargs def deconstruct(self): """For supporting Django migrations""" path = f"{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}" path = path.replace("pgtrigger.core", "pgtrigger") args, kwargs = self.get_init_vals() return path, args, kwargs def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.get_init_vals() == other.get_init_vals() class _Primitive(_Serializable): """Boilerplate for some of the primitive operations""" def __init__(self, name): assert name in self.values = name def __str__(self): return class Level(_Primitive): values = ("ROW", "STATEMENT") #: For specifying row-level triggers (the default) Row = Level('ROW') #: For specifying statement-level triggers Statement = Level('STATEMENT')
[docs]class Referencing(_Serializable): """For specifying the REFERENCING clause of a statement-level trigger""" def __init__(self, *, old=None, new=None): if not old and not new: raise ValueError( 'Must provide either "old" and/or "new" to the referencing' ' construct of a trigger' ) self.old = old = new def __str__(self): ref = 'REFERENCING' if self.old: ref += f' OLD TABLE AS {self.old} ' if ref += f' NEW TABLE AS {} ' return ref
class When(_Primitive): values = ("BEFORE", "AFTER", "INSTEAD OF") #: For specifying ``BEFORE`` in the when clause of a trigger. Before = When('BEFORE') #: For specifying ``AFTER`` in the when clause of a trigger. After = When('AFTER') #: For specifying ``INSTEAD OF`` in the when clause of a trigger. InsteadOf = When('INSTEAD OF') class Operation(_Primitive): values = ("UPDATE", "DELETE", "TRUNCATE", "INSERT") def __or__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Operation) return Operations(self, other) class Operations(Operation): """For providing multiple operations ``OR``ed together. Note that using the ``|`` operator is preferred syntax. """ def __init__(self, *operations): for operation in operations: assert isinstance(operation, Operation) self.operations = operations def __str__(self): return ' OR '.join(str(operation) for operation in self.operations) #: For specifying ``UPDATE`` as the trigger operation. Update = Operation('UPDATE') #: For specifying ``DELETE`` as the trigger operation. Delete = Operation('DELETE') #: For specifying ``TRUNCATE`` as the trigger operation. Truncate = Operation('TRUNCATE') #: For specifying ``INSERT`` as the trigger operation. Insert = Operation('INSERT')
[docs]class UpdateOf(Operation): """For specifying ``UPDATE OF`` as the trigger operation.""" def __init__(self, *columns): if not columns: raise ValueError('Must provide at least one column') self.columns = columns def __str__(self): columns = ', '.join(f'{_quote(col)}' for col in self.columns) return f'UPDATE OF {columns}'
[docs]class Condition(_Serializable): """For specifying free-form SQL in the condition of a trigger.""" sql = None def __init__(self, sql=None): self.sql = sql or self.sql if not self.sql: raise ValueError('Must provide SQL to condition') def resolve(self, model): return self.sql
class _OldNewQuery(Query): """ A special Query object for referencing the ``OLD`` and ``NEW`` variables in a trigger. Only used by the `pgtrigger.Q` object. """ def build_lookup(self, lookups, lhs, rhs): # Django does not allow custom lookups on foreign keys, even though # DISTINCT FROM is a comnpletely valid lookup. Trick django into # being able to apply this lookup to related fields. if lookups == ['df'] and isinstance(lhs.output_field, RelatedField): lhs = copy.deepcopy(lhs) lhs.output_field = models.IntegerField(null=lhs.output_field.null) return super().build_lookup(lookups, lhs, rhs) def build_filter(self, filter_expr, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(filter_expr, Q): return super().build_filter(filter_expr, *args, **kwargs) if filter_expr[0].startswith('old__'): alias = 'OLD' elif filter_expr[0].startswith('new__'): alias = 'NEW' else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Filter expression on trigger.Q object must reference old__ or new__') filter_expr = (filter_expr[0][5:], filter_expr[1]) node, _ = super().build_filter(filter_expr, *args, **kwargs) self.alias_map[alias] = BaseTable(alias, alias) for child in node.children: child.lhs = Col( alias=alias,, output_field=child.lhs.output_field, ) return node, {alias}
[docs]class F(models.F): """ Similar to Django's ``F`` object, allows referencing the old and new rows in a trigger condition. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if'old__'): self.row_alias = 'OLD' elif'new__'): self.row_alias = 'NEW' else: raise ValueError('F() values must reference old__ or new__') self.col_name =[5:] def deconstruct(self): path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct() path = path.replace("pgtrigger.core", "pgtrigger") return path, args, kwargs @property def resolved_name(self): return f'{self.row_alias}.{_quote(self.col_name)}' def resolve_expression(self, query=None, *args, **kwargs): return Col( alias=self.row_alias, target=query.model._meta.get_field(self.col_name), )
[docs]@models.fields.Field.register_lookup class IsDistinctFrom(models.Lookup): """ A custom ``IS DISTINCT FROM`` field lookup for common trigger conditions. For example, ``pgtrigger.Q(old__field__df=pgtrigger.F("new__field"))``. """ lookup_name = 'df' def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection) rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(compiler, connection) params = lhs_params + rhs_params return '%s IS DISTINCT FROM %s' % (lhs, rhs), params
[docs]@models.fields.Field.register_lookup class IsNotDistinctFrom(models.Lookup): """ A custom ``IS NOT DISTINCT FROM`` field lookup for common trigger conditions. For example, ``pgtrigger.Q(old__field__ndf=pgtrigger.F("new__field"))``. """ lookup_name = 'ndf' def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection) rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(compiler, connection) params = lhs_params + rhs_params return '%s IS NOT DISTINCT FROM %s' % (lhs, rhs), params
[docs]class Q(models.Q, Condition): """ Similar to Django's ``Q`` object, allows referencing the old and new rows in a trigger condition. """ def deconstruct(self): path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct() path = path.replace("pgtrigger.core", "pgtrigger") return path, args, kwargs def resolve(self, model): connection = _get_connection(model) query = _OldNewQuery(model) sql = ( connection.cursor() .mogrify( *self.resolve_expression(query).as_sql( compiler=query.get_compiler('default'), connection=connection, ) ) .decode() .replace('"OLD"', 'OLD') .replace('"NEW"', 'NEW') ) return sql
def _render_uninstall(table, trigger_pgid): return f'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {trigger_pgid} ON {_quote(table)};' def _drop_trigger(table, trigger_pgid): model = _get_model(table) connection = _get_connection(model) uninstall_sql = _render_uninstall(table, trigger_pgid) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(uninstall_sql) # Allows Trigger methods to be used as context managers, mostly for # testing purposes @contextlib.contextmanager def _cleanup_on_exit(cleanup): yield cleanup() def _render_ignore_func(): """ Triggers can be ignored dynamically by help of a special function that's installed. The definition of this function is here. Note: This function is global and shared by all triggers in the current implementation. It isn't uninstalled when triggers are uninstalled. """ return ''' CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _pgtrigger_should_ignore( table_name NAME, trigger_name NAME ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ DECLARE _pgtrigger_ignore TEXT[]; _result BOOLEAN; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT INTO _pgtrigger_ignore CURRENT_SETTING('pgtrigger.ignore'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN END; IF _pgtrigger_ignore IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT CONCAT(table_name, ':', trigger_name) = ANY(_pgtrigger_ignore) INTO _result; RETURN _result; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; '''
[docs]class Trigger(_Serializable): """ For specifying a free-form PL/pgSQL trigger function or for creating derived trigger classes. """ name = None level = Row when = None operation = None condition = None referencing = None func = None declare = None def __init__( self, *, name=None, level=None, when=None, operation=None, condition=None, referencing=None, func=None, declare=None, ): = name or self.level = level or self.level self.when = when or self.when self.operation = operation or self.operation self.condition = condition or self.condition self.referencing = referencing or self.referencing self.func = func or self.func self.declare = declare or self.declare if not self.level or not isinstance(self.level, Level): raise ValueError(f'Invalid "level" attribute: {self.level}') if not self.when or not isinstance(self.when, When): raise ValueError(f'Invalid "when" attribute: {self.when}') if not self.operation or not isinstance(self.operation, Operation): raise ValueError(f'Invalid "operation" attribute: {self.operation}') if self.level == Row and self.referencing: raise ValueError('Row-level triggers cannot have a "referencing" attribute') if not raise ValueError('Trigger must have "name" attribute') self.validate_name() def __str__(self): return def validate_name(self): """Verifies the name is under the maximum length""" if len( > MAX_NAME_LENGTH: raise ValueError(f'Trigger name "{}" > {MAX_NAME_LENGTH} characters.') def get_pgid(self, model): """The ID of the trigger and function object in postgres All objects are prefixed with "pgtrigger_" in order to be discovered/managed by django-pgtrigger """ model_hash = hashlib.sha1(self.get_uri(model).encode()).hexdigest()[:5] pgid = f'pgtrigger_{}_{model_hash}' if len(pgid) > 63: raise ValueError(f'Trigger identifier "{pgid}" is greater than 63 chars') # NOTE - Postgres always stores names in lowercase. Ensure that all # generated IDs are lowercase so that we can properly do installation # and pruning tasks. return pgid.lower() def get_condition(self, model): return self.condition def get_declare(self, model): """ Gets the DECLARE part of the trigger function if any variables are used. Returns: List[tuple]: A list of variable name / type tuples that will be shown in the DECLARE. For example [('row_data', 'JSONB')] """ return self.declare or [] def get_func(self, model): """ Returns the trigger function that comes between the BEGIN and END clause """ if not self.func: raise ValueError('Must define func attribute or implement get_func') return self.func def get_uri(self, model): """The URI for the trigger""" return f'{model._meta.app_label}.{model._meta.object_name}:{}' def register(self, *models): """Register model classes with the trigger""" registry = pgtrigger.registry.get() for model in models: registry[self.get_uri(model)] = (model, self) # Add the trigger to Meta.triggers. # Note, pgtrigger's App.ready() method auto-registers any # triggers in Meta already, meaning the trigger may already exist. If so, ignore it if pgtrigger.features.migrations(): # pragma: no branch if self not in getattr(model._meta, "triggers", []): model._meta.triggers = list(getattr(model._meta, "triggers", [])) + [self] if self not in model._meta.original_attrs.get("triggers", []): model._meta.original_attrs["triggers"] = list( model._meta.original_attrs.get("triggers", []) ) + [self] return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.unregister(*models)) def unregister(self, *models): """Unregister model classes with the trigger""" registry = pgtrigger.registry.get() for model in models: del registry[self.get_uri(model)] # If we support migration integration, remove from Meta triggers if pgtrigger.features.migrations(): # pragma: no branch model._meta.triggers.remove(self) model._meta.original_attrs["triggers"].remove(self) return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.register(*models)) def render_condition(self, model): """Renders the condition SQL in the trigger declaration""" condition = self.get_condition(model) resolved = condition.resolve(model).strip() if condition else '' if resolved: if not resolved.startswith('('): resolved = f'({resolved})' resolved = f'WHEN {resolved}' return resolved def render_declare(self, model): """Renders the DECLARE of the trigger function, if any""" declare = self.get_declare(model) if declare: rendered_declare = 'DECLARE \n' + '\n'.join( f'{var_name} {var_type};' for var_name, var_type in declare ) else: rendered_declare = '' return rendered_declare def render_ignore(self, model): """ Renders the clause that can dynamically ignore the trigger's execution """ return ''' IF (_pgtrigger_should_ignore(TG_TABLE_NAME, TG_NAME) IS TRUE) THEN IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN RETURN OLD; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END IF; ''' def render_func(self, model): """Renders the trigger function SQL statement""" return f''' CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {self.get_pgid(model)}() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ {self.render_declare(model)} BEGIN {self.render_ignore(model)} {self.get_func(model)} END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ''' def render_trigger(self, model): """Renders the trigger declaration SQL statement""" table = model._meta.db_table pgid = self.get_pgid(model) return f''' DO $$ BEGIN CREATE TRIGGER {pgid} {self.when} {self.operation} ON {_quote(table)} {self.referencing or ''} FOR EACH {self.level} {self.render_condition(model)} EXECUTE PROCEDURE {pgid}(); EXCEPTION -- Ignore issues if the trigger already exists WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; END $$; ''' def render_comment(self, model): """Renders the trigger commment SQL statement pgtrigger comments the hash of the trigger in order for us to determine if the trigger definition has changed """ pgid = self.get_pgid(model) hash = self.get_hash(model) table = model._meta.db_table return f"COMMENT ON TRIGGER {pgid} ON {_quote(table)} IS '{hash}'" def get_installation_status(self, model): """Returns the installation status of a trigger. The return type is (status, enabled), where status is one of: 1. ``INSTALLED``: If the trigger is installed 2. ``UNINSTALLED``: If the trigger is not installed 3. ``OUTDATED``: If the trigger is installed but has been modified "enabled" is True if the trigger is installed and enabled or false if installed and disabled (or uninstalled). """ connection = _get_connection(model) trigger_exists_sql = f''' SELECT oid, obj_description(oid) AS hash, tgenabled AS enabled FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgname='{self.get_pgid(model)}' AND tgrelid='{model._meta.db_table}'::regclass; ''' try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(trigger_exists_sql) results = cursor.fetchall() except ProgrammingError: # pragma: no cover # When the table doesn't exist yet, possibly because migrations # haven't been executed, a ProgrammingError will happen because # of an invalid regclass cast. Return 'UNINSTALLED' for this # case return (UNINSTALLED, None) if not results: return (UNINSTALLED, None) else: hash = self.get_hash(model) if hash != results[0][1]: return (OUTDATED, results[0][2] == 'O') else: return (INSTALLED, results[0][2] == 'O') def get_hash(self, model): """ Computes a hash for the trigger, which is used to uniquely identify its contents. The hash is computed based on the trigger function and declaration. Note: If the trigger definition includes dynamic data, such as the current time, the trigger hash will always change and appear to be out of sync. """ rendered_func = self.render_func(model) rendered_trigger = self.render_trigger(model) return hashlib.sha1(f'{rendered_func} {rendered_trigger}'.encode()).hexdigest() def render_install(self, model): ignore_func = _render_ignore_func() rendered_func = self.render_func(model) rendered_trigger = self.render_trigger(model) rendered_comment = self.render_comment(model) return f"{ignore_func}; {rendered_func}; {rendered_trigger}; {rendered_comment};" def install(self, model): """Installs the trigger for a model""" connection = _get_connection(model) install_sql = self.render_install(model) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(install_sql) return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.uninstall(model)) def render_uninstall(self, model): return _render_uninstall(model._meta.db_table, self.get_pgid(model)) def uninstall(self, model): """Uninstalls the trigger for a model""" connection = _get_connection(model) uninstall_sql = self.render_uninstall(model) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(uninstall_sql) return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.install(model)) # pragma: no branch def enable(self, model): """Enables the trigger for a model""" connection = _get_connection(model) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( f'ALTER TABLE {_quote(model._meta.db_table)}' f' ENABLE TRIGGER {self.get_pgid(model)};' ) return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.disable(model)) # pragma: no branch def disable(self, model): """Disables the trigger for a model""" connection = _get_connection(model) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( f'ALTER TABLE {_quote(model._meta.db_table)}' f' DISABLE TRIGGER {self.get_pgid(model)};' ) return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.enable(model)) # pragma: no branch @contextlib.contextmanager def ignore(self, model): """Ignores the trigger in a single thread of execution""" connection = transaction.get_connection() with contextlib.ExitStack() as pre_execute_hook: # Create the table name / trigger name URI to pass down to the # trigger. ignore_uri = f'{model._meta.db_table}:{self.get_pgid(model)}' if not hasattr(_ignore, 'value'): _ignore.value = set() if not _ignore.value: # If this is the first time we are ignoring trigger execution, # register the pre_execute_hook pre_execute_hook.enter_context( connection.execute_wrapper(_inject_pgtrigger_ignore) ) if ignore_uri not in _ignore.value: try: _ignore.value.add(ignore_uri) yield finally: _ignore.value.remove(ignore_uri) else: # The trigger is already being ignored yield if not _ignore.value and connection.in_atomic_block: # We've finished all ignoring of triggers, but we are in a transaction # and still have a reference to the local variable. Reset it with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute('RESET pgtrigger.ignore;')
[docs]def get(*uris, database=None): """ Get registered trigger objects. Args: *uris (str): URIs of triggers to get. If none are provided, all triggers are returned. URIs are in the format of ``{app_label}.{model_name}:{trigger_name}``. database (str, default=None): Only get triggers from this database. Returns: List[`pgtrigger.Trigger`]: Matching trigger objects. """ registry = pgtrigger.registry.get() if database and uris: raise ValueError('Cannot supply both trigger URIs and a database') if not database: databases = {_get_database(model) for model, _ in registry.values()} else: databases = [database] if isinstance(database, str) else database if uris: for uri in uris: if uri and len(uri.split(':')) == 1: raise ValueError( 'Trigger URI must be in the format of "app_label.model_name:trigger_name"' ) elif uri and uri not in registry: raise ValueError(f'URI "{uri}" not found in pgtrigger registry') return [registry[uri] for uri in uris] else: return [ (model, trigger) for model, trigger in registry.values() if _get_database(model) in databases ]
[docs]def install(*uris, database=None): """ Install triggers. Args: *uris (str): URIs of triggers to install. If none are provided, all triggers are installed and orphaned triggers are pruned. database (str, default=None): Only install triggers from this database. """ if uris: model_triggers = get(*uris, database=database) else: model_triggers = [ (model, trigger) for model, trigger in get(database=database) if trigger.get_installation_status(model)[0] != INSTALLED ] for model, trigger in model_triggers: f'pgtrigger: Installing {trigger} trigger' f' for {model._meta.db_table} table' f' on {_get_database(model)} database.' ) trigger.install(model) if not uris: # pragma: no branch prune(database=database)
def get_prune_list(database=None): """Return triggers that will be pruned upon next full install Args: database (str, default=None): Only return results from this database. Defaults to returning results from all databases """ installed = { (_quote(model._meta.db_table), trigger.get_pgid(model)) for model, trigger in get() } if isinstance(database, str): databases = [database] else: databases = database or settings.DATABASES prune_list = [] for database in _postgres_databases(databases): with connections[database].cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( 'SELECT tgrelid::regclass, tgname, tgenabled' ' FROM pg_trigger' ' WHERE tgname LIKE \'pgtrigger_%\'' ) triggers = set(cursor.fetchall()) prune_list += [ (trigger[0], trigger[1], trigger[2] == 'O', database) for trigger in triggers if (_quote(trigger[0]), trigger[1]) not in installed ] return prune_list
[docs]def prune(database=None): """ Remove any pgtrigger triggers in the database that are not used by models. I.e. if a model or trigger definition is deleted from a model, ensure it is removed from the database Args: database (str, default=None): Only prune triggers from this database. """ for trigger in get_prune_list(database=database): f'pgtrigger: Pruning trigger {trigger[1]}' f' for table {trigger[0]} on {trigger[3]} database.' ) _drop_trigger(trigger[0], trigger[1])
[docs]def enable(*uris, database=None): """ Enables registered triggers. Args: *uris (str): URIs of triggers to enable. If none are provided, all triggers are enabled. database (str, default=None): Only enable triggers from this database. """ if uris: model_triggers = get(*uris, database=database) else: model_triggers = [ (model, trigger) for model, trigger in get(database=database) if trigger.get_installation_status(model)[1] is False ] for model, trigger in model_triggers: f'pgtrigger: Enabling {trigger} trigger' f' for {model._meta.db_table} table' f' on {_get_database(model)} database.' ) trigger.enable(model)
[docs]def uninstall(*uris, database=None): """ Uninstalls triggers. Args: *uris (str): URIs of triggers to uninstall. If none are provided, all triggers are uninstalled and orphaned triggers are pruned. database (str, default=None): Only uninstall triggers from this database. """ if uris: model_triggers = get(*uris, database=database) else: model_triggers = [ (model, trigger) for model, trigger in get(database=database) if trigger.get_installation_status(model)[0] != UNINSTALLED ] for model, trigger in model_triggers: f'pgtrigger: Uninstalling {trigger} trigger' f' for {model._meta.db_table} table' f' on {_get_database(model)} database.' ) trigger.uninstall(model) if not uris: prune(database=database)
[docs]def disable(*uris, database=None): """ Disables triggers. Args: *uris (str): URIs of triggers to disable. If none are provided, all triggers are disabled. database (str, default=None): Only disable triggers from this database. """ if uris: model_triggers = get(*uris, database=database) else: model_triggers = [ (model, trigger) for model, trigger in get(database=database) if trigger.get_installation_status(model)[1] ] for model, trigger in model_triggers: f'pgtrigger: Disabling {trigger} trigger for' f' {model._meta.db_table} table' f' on {_get_database(model)} database.' ) trigger.disable(model)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def ignore(*uris): """ Dynamically ignore registered triggers matching URIs from executing in an individual thread. If no URIs are provided, ignore all pgtriggers from executing in an individual thread. Examples: Ingore triggers in a context manager:: with pgtrigger.ignore("my_app.Model:trigger_name"): # Do stuff while ignoring trigger Ignore multiple triggers as a decorator:: @pgtrigger.ignore("my_app.Model:trigger_name", "my_app.Model:other_trigger") def my_func(): # Do stuff while ignoring trigger """ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: for model, trigger in get(*uris): stack.enter_context(trigger.ignore(model)) yield
[docs]class Protect(Trigger): """A trigger that raises an exception.""" when = Before def get_func(self, model): return f''' RAISE EXCEPTION 'pgtrigger: Cannot {str(self.operation).lower()} rows from % table', TG_TABLE_NAME; '''
[docs]class FSM(Trigger): """Enforces a finite state machine on a field. Supply the trigger with the "field" that transitions and then a list of tuples of valid transitions to the "transitions" argument. .. note:: Only non-null ``CharField`` fields are currently supported. """ when = Before operation = Update field = None transitions = None def __init__(self, *, name=None, condition=None, field=None, transitions=None): self.field = field or self.field self.transitions = transitions or self.transitions if not self.field: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Must provide "field" for FSM') if not self.transitions: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Must provide "transitions" for FSM') super().__init__(name=name, condition=condition) def get_declare(self, model): return [('_is_valid_transition', 'BOOLEAN')] def get_func(self, model): col = model._meta.get_field(self.field).column transition_uris = '{' + ','.join([f'{old}:{new}' for old, new in self.transitions]) + '}' return f''' SELECT CONCAT(OLD.{_quote(col)}, ':', NEW.{_quote(col)}) = ANY('{transition_uris}'::text[]) INTO _is_valid_transition; IF (_is_valid_transition IS FALSE AND OLD.{_quote(col)} IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.{_quote(col)}) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'pgtrigger: Invalid transition of field "{self.field}" from "%" to "%" on table %', OLD.{_quote(col)}, NEW.{_quote(col)}, TG_TABLE_NAME; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; ''' # noqa
[docs]class SoftDelete(Trigger): """Sets a field to a value when a delete happens. Supply the trigger with the "field" that will be set upon deletion and the "value" to which it should be set. The "value" defaults to ``False``. .. note:: This trigger currently only supports nullable ``BooleanField``, ``CharField``, and ``IntField`` fields. """ when = Before operation = Delete field = None value = False def __init__(self, *, name=None, condition=None, field=None, value=_unset): self.field = field or self.field self.value = value if value is not _unset else self.value if not self.field: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Must provide "field" for soft delete') super().__init__(name=name, condition=condition) def get_func(self, model): soft_field = model._meta.get_field(self.field).column pk_col = def _render_value(): if self.value is None: return 'NULL' elif isinstance(self.value, str): return f"'{self.value}'" else: return str(self.value) return f''' UPDATE {_quote(model._meta.db_table)} SET {soft_field} = {_render_value()} WHERE {_quote(pk_col)} = OLD.{_quote(pk_col)}; RETURN NULL; '''