Source code for pgtrigger.core

import contextlib
import copy
import hashlib
import logging
import threading

import django.apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connections
from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
from django.db import models
from django.db import router
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models.expressions import Col
from django.db.models.fields.related import RelatedField
from django.db.models.sql import Query
from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import BaseTable
from django.db.utils import ProgrammingError
import pgconnection

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pgtrigger')
_unset = object()

# Postgres only allows identifiers to be 63 chars max. Since "pgtrigger_"
# is the prefix for trigger names, and since an additional "_" and
# 5 character hash is added, the user-defined name of the trigger can only
# be 47 chars.
# NOTE: We can do something more sophisticated later by allowing users
# to name their triggers and then hashing the names when actually creating
# the triggers.

# Installation states for a triggers

# All registered triggers for each model
registry = {}

# All triggers currently being ignored
_ignore = threading.local()

def _quote(label):
    """Conditionally wraps a label in quotes"""
    if label.startswith('"'):
        return label
        return f'"{label}"'

def _get_database(model):
    Obtains the database used for a trigger / model pair. The database
    for the connection is selected based on the write DB in the database
    router config.
    return router.db_for_write(model) or DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS

def _postgres_databases(databases):
    """Given an iterable of databases, only return postgres ones"""
    return [database for database in databases if connections[database].vendor == 'postgresql']

def _get_connection(model):
    Obtains the connection used for a trigger / model pair. The database
    for the connection is selected based on the write DB in the database
    router config.
    return connections[_get_database(model)]

def _get_model(table):
    """Obtains a django model based on its table name"""
    for model in django.apps.apps.get_models():  # pragma: no branch
        if _quote(model._meta.db_table) == _quote(table):
            return model

def _is_concurrent_statement(sql):
    True if the sql statement is concurrent and cannot be ran in a transaction
    sql = sql.strip().lower() if sql else ''
    return sql.startswith('create') and 'concurrently' in sql

def _inject_pgtrigger_ignore(sql, sql_vars, cursor):  # pragma: no cover
    A pgconnection pre_execute hook that sets a pgtrigger.ignore
    variable in the executed SQL. This lets other triggers know when
    they should ignore execution
        # A named cursor automatically prepends
        # "NO SCROLL CURSOR WITHOUT HOLD FOR" to the query, which
        # causes invalid SQL to be generated. There is no way
        # to override this behavior in psycopg2, so context tracking
        # is ignored for named cursors. Django only names cursors
        # for iterators and other statements that read the database,
        # so it seems to be safe to ignore named cursors.
        # TODO(@wesleykendall): Find a way to generate valid SQL
        # for local variables within a named cursor declaration.
        return None
    elif _is_concurrent_statement(sql):
        # Concurrent index creation is incompatible with local variable
        # setting. Ignore this specific statement for now
        return None

    sql = ('SET LOCAL pgtrigger.ignore=\'{' + ','.join(_ignore.value) + '}\';') + sql

    return sql, sql_vars

[docs]def register(*triggers): """ Register the given triggers with wrapped Model class """ def _model_wrapper(model_class): for trigger in triggers: trigger.register(model_class) return model_class return _model_wrapper
class _Level: def __init__(self, name): = name def __str__(self): return #: For specifying row-level triggers (the default) Row = _Level('ROW') #: For specifying statement-level triggers Statement = _Level('STATEMENT')
[docs]class Referencing: """For specifying the REFERENCING construct of a statement-level trigger""" def __init__(self, *, old=None, new=None): if not old and not new: raise ValueError( 'Must provide either "old" and/or "new" to the referencing' ' construct of a trigger' ) self.old = old = new def __str__(self): ref = 'REFERENCING' if self.old: ref += f' OLD TABLE AS {self.old} ' if ref += f' NEW TABLE AS {} ' return ref
class _When: def __init__(self, name): = name def __str__(self): return #: For specifying "BEFORE" in the "when" clause of a trigger Before = _When('BEFORE') #: For specifying "AFTER" in the "when" clause of a trigger After = _When('AFTER') #: For specifying "INSTEAD OF" in the "when" clause of a trigger InsteadOf = _When('INSTEAD OF') class _Operation: def __init__(self, name): = name def __or__(self, other): return _Operations(self, other) def __str__(self): return class _Operations(_Operation): def __init__(self, *operations): self.operations = operations def __str__(self): return ' OR '.join(str(operation) for operation in self.operations) #: For specifying "UPDATE" in the "operation" clause of a trigger Update = _Operation('UPDATE') #: For specifying "DELETE" in the "operation" clause of a trigger Delete = _Operation('DELETE') #: For specifying "TRUNCATE" in the "operation" clause of a trigger Truncate = _Operation('TRUNCATE') #: For specifying "INSERT" in the "operation" clause of a trigger Insert = _Operation('INSERT')
[docs]class UpdateOf(_Operation): """For specifying "UPDATE OF" in the "operation" clause of a trigger""" def __init__(self, *columns): if not columns: raise ValueError('Must provide at least one column') self.columns = ', '.join(f'{_quote(col)}' for col in columns) def __str__(self): return f'UPDATE OF {self.columns}'
[docs]class Condition: """For specifying free-form SQL in the "condition" clause of a trigger""" sql = None def __init__(self, sql=None): self.sql = sql or self.sql if not self.sql: raise ValueError('Must provide SQL to condition') def resolve(self, model): return self.sql
class _OldNewQuery(Query): """ A special Query object for referencing the OLD and NEW variables in a trigger. Only used by the Q object """ def build_lookup(self, lookups, lhs, rhs): # Django does not allow custom lookups on foreign keys, even though # DISTINCT FROM is a comnpletely valid lookup. Trick django into # being able to apply this lookup to related fields. if lookups == ['df'] and isinstance(lhs.output_field, RelatedField): lhs = copy.deepcopy(lhs) lhs.output_field = models.IntegerField(null=lhs.output_field.null) return super().build_lookup(lookups, lhs, rhs) def build_filter(self, filter_expr, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(filter_expr, Q): return super().build_filter(filter_expr, *args, **kwargs) if filter_expr[0].startswith('old__'): alias = 'OLD' elif filter_expr[0].startswith('new__'): alias = 'NEW' else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Filter expression on trigger.Q object must reference old__ or new__') filter_expr = (filter_expr[0][5:], filter_expr[1]) node, _ = super().build_filter(filter_expr, *args, **kwargs) self.alias_map[alias] = BaseTable(alias, alias) for child in node.children: child.lhs = Col( alias=alias,, output_field=child.lhs.output_field, ) return node, {alias}
[docs]class F(models.F): """ Similar to Django's F object, allows referencing the old and new rows in a trigger condition. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if'old__'): self.row_alias = 'OLD' elif'new__'): self.row_alias = 'NEW' else: raise ValueError('F() values must reference old__ or new__') self.col_name =[5:] @property def resolved_name(self): return f'{self.row_alias}.{_quote(self.col_name)}' def resolve_expression(self, query=None, *args, **kwargs): return Col( alias=self.row_alias, target=query.model._meta.get_field(self.col_name), )
[docs]@models.fields.Field.register_lookup class IsDistinctFrom(models.Lookup): """ A custom IS DISTINCT FROM field lookup for common trigger conditions """ lookup_name = 'df' def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection) rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(compiler, connection) params = lhs_params + rhs_params return '%s IS DISTINCT FROM %s' % (lhs, rhs), params
[docs]@models.fields.Field.register_lookup class IsNotDistinctFrom(models.Lookup): """ A custom IS NOT DISTINCT FROM field lookup for common trigger conditions """ lookup_name = 'ndf' def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection) rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(compiler, connection) params = lhs_params + rhs_params return '%s IS NOT DISTINCT FROM %s' % (lhs, rhs), params
[docs]class Q(models.Q, Condition): """ Similar to Django's Q object, allows referencing the old and new rows in a trigger condition. """ def resolve(self, model): connection = _get_connection(model) query = _OldNewQuery(model) sql = ( connection.cursor() .mogrify( *self.resolve_expression(query).as_sql( compiler=query.get_compiler('default'), connection=connection, ) ) .decode() .replace('"OLD"', 'OLD') .replace('"NEW"', 'NEW') ) return sql
def _drop_trigger(table, trigger_pgid): model = _get_model(table) connection = _get_connection(model) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(f'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {trigger_pgid} ON {_quote(table)};') # Allows Trigger methods to be used as context managers, mostly for # testing purposes @contextlib.contextmanager def _cleanup_on_exit(cleanup): yield cleanup()
[docs]class Trigger: """ For specifying a free-form PL/pgSQL trigger function or for creating derived trigger classes. """ name = None level = Row when = None operation = None condition = None referencing = None func = None declare = None def __init__( self, *, name=None, level=None, when=None, operation=None, condition=None, referencing=None, func=None, declare=None, ): = name or self.level = level or self.level self.when = when or self.when self.operation = operation or self.operation self.condition = condition or self.condition self.referencing = referencing or self.referencing self.func = func or self.func self.declare = declare or self.declare if not self.level or not isinstance(self.level, _Level): raise ValueError(f'Invalid "level" attribute: {self.level}') if not self.when or not isinstance(self.when, _When): raise ValueError(f'Invalid "when" attribute: {self.when}') if not self.operation or not isinstance(self.operation, _Operation): raise ValueError(f'Invalid "operation" attribute: {self.operation}') if self.level == Row and self.referencing: raise ValueError('Row-level triggers cannot have a "referencing" attribute') if not raise ValueError('Trigger must have "name" attribute') self.validate_name() def __str__(self): return def validate_name(self): """Verifies the name is under the maximum length""" if len( > MAX_NAME_LENGTH: raise ValueError(f'Trigger name "{}" > {MAX_NAME_LENGTH} characters.') def get_pgid(self, model): """The ID of the trigger and function object in postgres All objects are prefixed with "pgtrigger_" in order to be discovered/managed by django-pgtrigger """ model_hash = hashlib.sha1(self.get_uri(model).encode()).hexdigest()[:5] pgid = f'pgtrigger_{}_{model_hash}' if len(pgid) > 63: raise ValueError(f'Trigger identifier "{pgid}" is greater than 63 chars') # NOTE - Postgres always stores names in lowercase. Ensure that all # generated IDs are lowercase so that we can properly do installation # and pruning tasks. return pgid.lower() def get_condition(self, model): return self.condition def get_declare(self, model): """ Gets the DECLARE part of the trigger function if any variables are used. Returns: List[tuple]: A list of variable name / type tuples that will be shown in the DECLARE. For example [('row_data', 'JSONB')] """ return self.declare or [] def get_func(self, model): """ Returns the trigger function that comes between the BEGIN and END clause """ if not self.func: raise ValueError('Must define func attribute or implement get_func') return self.func def get_uri(self, model): """The URI for the trigger in the registry""" return f'{model._meta.app_label}.{model._meta.object_name}:{}' def register(self, *models): """Register model classes with the trigger""" # Compute the unique trigger function names that are already # registered in order to prevent an accidental collision registered_function_names = { trigger.get_pgid(model) for model, trigger in registry.values() } for model in models: uri = self.get_uri(model) if uri in registry: raise ValueError( f'Trigger with name "{}" is already' f' registered for model "{model}"' ) if self.get_pgid(model) in registered_function_names: raise ValueError( f'Trigger with name "{}" on model "{model}"' ' has a trigger function name that is already taken.' ' Use a different name for the trigger.' ) registry[self.get_uri(model)] = (model, self) return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.unregister(*models)) def unregister(self, *models): """Unregister model classes with the trigger""" for model in models: del registry[self.get_uri(model)] return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.register(*models)) def render_condition(self, model): """Renders the condition SQL in the trigger declaration""" condition = self.get_condition(model) resolved = condition.resolve(model).strip() if condition else '' if resolved: if not resolved.startswith('('): resolved = f'({resolved})' resolved = f'WHEN {resolved}' return resolved def render_declare(self, model): """Renders the DECLARE of the trigger function, if any""" declare = self.get_declare(model) if declare: rendered_declare = 'DECLARE \n' + '\n'.join( f'{var_name} {var_type};' for var_name, var_type in declare ) else: rendered_declare = '' return rendered_declare def render_ignore(self, model): """ Renders the clause that can dynamically ignore the trigger's execution """ return ''' IF (_pgtrigger_should_ignore(TG_TABLE_NAME, TG_NAME) IS TRUE) THEN IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN RETURN OLD; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END IF; ''' def render_func(self, model): """Renders the trigger function SQL statement""" return f''' CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {self.get_pgid(model)}() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ {self.render_declare(model)} BEGIN {self.render_ignore(model)} {self.get_func(model)} END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ''' def render_trigger(self, model): """Renders the trigger declaration SQL statement""" table = model._meta.db_table pgid = self.get_pgid(model) return f''' DO $$ BEGIN CREATE TRIGGER {pgid} {self.when} {self.operation} ON {_quote(table)} {self.referencing or ''} FOR EACH {self.level} {self.render_condition(model)} EXECUTE PROCEDURE {pgid}(); EXCEPTION -- Ignore issues if the trigger already exists WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; END $$; ''' def render_comment(self, model): """Renders the trigger commment SQL statement pgtrigger comments the hash of the trigger in order for us to determine if the trigger definition has changed """ pgid = self.get_pgid(model) hash = self.get_hash(model) table = model._meta.db_table return f'COMMENT ON TRIGGER {pgid} ON {_quote(table)} IS \'{hash}\'' def get_installation_status(self, model): """Returns the installation status of a trigger. The return type is (status, enabled), where status is one of: 1. ``INSTALLED``: If the trigger is installed 2. ``UNINSTALLED``: If the trigger is not installed 3. ``OUTDATED``: If the trigger is installed but has been modified "enabled" is True if the trigger is installed and enabled or false if installed and disabled (or uninstalled). """ connection = _get_connection(model) trigger_exists_sql = f''' SELECT oid, obj_description(oid) AS hash, tgenabled AS enabled FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgname='{self.get_pgid(model)}' AND tgrelid='{model._meta.db_table}'::regclass; ''' try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(trigger_exists_sql) results = cursor.fetchall() except ProgrammingError: # pragma: no cover # When the table doesn't exist yet, possibly because migrations # haven't been executed, a ProgrammingError will happen because # of an invalid regclass cast. Return 'UNINSTALLED' for this # case return (UNINSTALLED, None) if not results: return (UNINSTALLED, None) else: hash = self.get_hash(model) if hash != results[0][1]: return (OUTDATED, results[0][2] == 'O') else: return (INSTALLED, results[0][2] == 'O') def get_hash(self, model): """ Computes a hash for the trigger, which is used to uniquely identify its contents. The hash is computed based on the trigger function and declaration. Note: If the trigger definition includes dynamic data, such as the current time, the trigger hash will always change and appear to be out of sync. """ rendered_func = self.render_func(model) rendered_trigger = self.render_trigger(model) return hashlib.sha1(f'{rendered_func} {rendered_trigger}'.encode()).hexdigest() def install(self, model): """Installs the trigger for a model""" connection = _get_connection(model) # Ensure we have the function to ignore execution of triggers install_ignore_func(database=_get_database(model)) rendered_func = self.render_func(model) rendered_trigger = self.render_trigger(model) rendered_comment = self.render_comment(model) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(rendered_func) cursor.execute(rendered_trigger) cursor.execute(rendered_comment) return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.uninstall(model)) def uninstall(self, model): """Uninstalls the trigger for a model""" _drop_trigger(model._meta.db_table, self.get_pgid(model)) return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.install(model)) # pragma: no branch def enable(self, model): """Enables the trigger for a model""" connection = _get_connection(model) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( f'ALTER TABLE {_quote(model._meta.db_table)}' f' ENABLE TRIGGER {self.get_pgid(model)};' ) return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.disable(model)) # pragma: no branch def disable(self, model): """Disables the trigger for a model""" connection = _get_connection(model) with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( f'ALTER TABLE {_quote(model._meta.db_table)}' f' DISABLE TRIGGER {self.get_pgid(model)};' ) return _cleanup_on_exit(lambda: self.enable(model)) # pragma: no branch @contextlib.contextmanager def ignore(self, model): """Ignores the trigger in a single thread of execution""" with contextlib.ExitStack() as pre_execute_hook: # Create the table name / trigger name URI to pass down to the # trigger. ignore_uri = f'{model._meta.db_table}:{self.get_pgid(model)}' if not hasattr(_ignore, 'value'): _ignore.value = set() if not _ignore.value: # If this is the first time we are ignoring trigger execution, # register the pre_execute_hook pre_execute_hook.enter_context( pgconnection.pre_execute_hook(_inject_pgtrigger_ignore) ) if ignore_uri not in _ignore.value: try: _ignore.value.add(ignore_uri) yield finally: _ignore.value.remove(ignore_uri) else: # The trigger is already being ignored yield if not _ignore.value and transaction.get_connection().in_atomic_block: # We've finished all ignoring of triggers, but we are in a transaction # and still have a reference to the local variable. Reset it with transaction.get_connection().cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute('RESET pgtrigger.ignore;')
[docs]class Protect(Trigger): """A trigger that raises an exception""" when = Before def get_func(self, model): return f''' RAISE EXCEPTION 'pgtrigger: Cannot {str(self.operation).lower()} rows from % table', TG_TABLE_NAME; '''
[docs]class FSM(Trigger): """Enforces a finite state machine on a field. Supply the trigger with the "field" that transitions and then a list of tuples of valid transitions to the "transitions" argument. .. note:: Only non-null ``CharField`` fields are currently supported. """ when = Before operation = Update field = None transitions = None def __init__(self, *, name=None, condition=None, field=None, transitions=None): self.field = field or self.field self.transitions = transitions or self.transitions if not self.field: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Must provide "field" for FSM') if not self.transitions: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Must provide "transitions" for FSM') super().__init__(name=name, condition=condition) def get_declare(self, model): return [('_is_valid_transition', 'BOOLEAN')] def get_func(self, model): col = model._meta.get_field(self.field).column transition_uris = '{' + ','.join([f'{old}:{new}' for old, new in self.transitions]) + '}' return f''' SELECT CONCAT(OLD.{_quote(col)}, ':', NEW.{_quote(col)}) = ANY('{transition_uris}'::text[]) INTO _is_valid_transition; IF (_is_valid_transition IS FALSE AND OLD.{_quote(col)} IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.{_quote(col)}) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'pgtrigger: Invalid transition of field "{self.field}" from "%" to "%" on table %', OLD.{_quote(col)}, NEW.{_quote(col)}, TG_TABLE_NAME; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; ''' # noqa
[docs]class SoftDelete(Trigger): """Sets a field to a value when a delete happens. Supply the trigger with the "field" that will be set upon deletion and the "value" to which it should be set. The "value" defaults to False. .. note:: This trigger currently only supports nullable ``BooleanField``, ``CharField``, and ``IntField`` fields. """ when = Before operation = Delete field = None value = False def __init__(self, *, name=None, condition=None, field=None, value=_unset): self.field = field or self.field self.value = value if value is not _unset else self.value if not self.field: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Must provide "field" for soft delete') super().__init__(name=name, condition=condition) def get_func(self, model): soft_field = model._meta.get_field(self.field).column pk_col = def _render_value(): if self.value is None: return 'NULL' elif isinstance(self.value, str): return f"'{self.value}'" else: return str(self.value) return f''' UPDATE {_quote(model._meta.db_table)} SET {soft_field} = {_render_value()} WHERE {_quote(pk_col)} = OLD.{_quote(pk_col)}; RETURN NULL; '''
[docs]def get(*uris, database=None): """ Get triggers matching URIs or all triggers registered to models. If a database is provided, will only enable triggers registered to a particular database. A URI is in the format of "app_label.model_name:trigger_name" """ if database and uris: raise ValueError('Cannot supply both trigger URIs and a database') if not database: databases = {_get_database(model) for model, _ in registry.values()} else: databases = [database] if isinstance(database, str) else database if uris: for uri in uris: if uri and len(uri.split(':')) == 1: raise ValueError( 'Trigger URI must be in the format of "app_label.model_name:trigger_name"' ) elif uri and uri not in registry: raise ValueError(f'URI "{uri}" not found in pgtrigger registry') return [registry[uri] for uri in uris] else: return [ (model, trigger) for model, trigger in registry.values() if _get_database(model) in databases ]
[docs]def install(*uris, database=None): """ Install registered triggers matching URIs or all triggers if URIs aren't provided. If URIs aren't provided, prune any orphaned triggers from the database. If a database is provided, will only install triggers registered to a particular database. """ if uris: model_triggers = get(*uris, database=database) else: model_triggers = [ (model, trigger) for model, trigger in get(database=database) if trigger.get_installation_status(model)[0] != INSTALLED ] for model, trigger in model_triggers: f'pgtrigger: Installing {trigger} trigger' f' for {model._meta.db_table} table' f' on {_get_database(model)} database.' ) trigger.install(model) if not uris: # pragma: no branch prune(database=database)
def get_prune_list(database=None): """Return triggers that will be pruned upon next full install Args: database (str, default=None): Only return results from this database. Defaults to returning results from all databases """ installed = { (_quote(model._meta.db_table), trigger.get_pgid(model)) for model, trigger in get() } if isinstance(database, str): databases = [database] else: databases = database or settings.DATABASES prune_list = [] for database in _postgres_databases(databases): with connections[database].cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( 'SELECT tgrelid::regclass, tgname, tgenabled' ' FROM pg_trigger' ' WHERE tgname LIKE \'pgtrigger_%\'' ) triggers = set(cursor.fetchall()) prune_list += [ (trigger[0], trigger[1], trigger[2] == 'O', database) for trigger in triggers if (_quote(trigger[0]), trigger[1]) not in installed ] return prune_list
[docs]def prune(database=None): """ Remove any pgtrigger triggers in the database that are not used by models. I.e. if a model or trigger definition is deleted from a model, ensure it is removed from the database Args: database (str, default=None): Only prune triggers from this database. Defaults to returning results from all databases """ for trigger in get_prune_list(database=database): f'pgtrigger: Pruning trigger {trigger[1]}' f' for table {trigger[0]} on {trigger[3]} database.' ) _drop_trigger(trigger[0], trigger[1])
[docs]def enable(*uris, database=None): """ Enables registered triggers matching URIs or all triggers if no URIs are provided. If a database is provided, will only enable triggers registered to a particular database. """ if uris: model_triggers = get(*uris, database=database) else: model_triggers = [ (model, trigger) for model, trigger in get(database=database) if trigger.get_installation_status(model)[1] is False ] for model, trigger in model_triggers: f'pgtrigger: Enabling {trigger} trigger' f' for {model._meta.db_table} table' f' on {_get_database(model)} database.' ) trigger.enable(model)
[docs]def uninstall(*uris, database=None): """ Uninstalls registered triggers matching URIs or all triggers if no URIs are provided. If no URIs are provided, will also try to prune any lingering triggers that are no longer in the code base. Running migrations will re-install any existing triggers. This behavior is overridable with ``settings.PGTRIGGER_INSTALL_ON_MIGRATE`` If a database is provided, will only uninstall triggers registered to a particular database. """ if uris: model_triggers = get(*uris, database=database) else: model_triggers = [ (model, trigger) for model, trigger in get(database=database) if trigger.get_installation_status(model)[0] != UNINSTALLED ] for model, trigger in model_triggers: f'pgtrigger: Uninstalling {trigger} trigger' f' for {model._meta.db_table} table' f' on {_get_database(model)} database.' ) trigger.uninstall(model) if not uris: prune(database=database)
[docs]def disable(*uris, database=None): """ Disables registered triggers matching URIs or all triggers if no URIs are provided. If a database is provided, will only disable triggers registered to a particular database. """ if uris: model_triggers = get(*uris, database=database) else: model_triggers = [ (model, trigger) for model, trigger in get(database=database) if trigger.get_installation_status(model)[1] ] for model, trigger in model_triggers: f'pgtrigger: Disabling {trigger} trigger for' f' {model._meta.db_table} table' f' on {_get_database(model)} database.' ) trigger.disable(model)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def ignore(*uris): """ Dynamically ignore registered triggers matching URIs from executing in an individual thread. If no URIs are provided, ignore all pgtriggers from executing in an individual thread. """ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: for model, trigger in get(*uris): stack.enter_context(trigger.ignore(model)) yield
def install_ignore_func(database=None): """ pgtrigger uses a special postgres function to determine when a trigger should be ignored. This installs the function. This function is automatically installed when all triggers are installed with pgtrigger.install() """ databases = {_get_database(model) for model, _ in get(database=database)} for database in _postgres_databases(databases): with connections[database].cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( ''' CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _pgtrigger_should_ignore( table_name NAME, trigger_name NAME ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ DECLARE _pgtrigger_ignore TEXT[]; _result BOOLEAN; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT INTO _pgtrigger_ignore CURRENT_SETTING('pgtrigger.ignore'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN END; IF _pgtrigger_ignore IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT CONCAT(table_name, ':', trigger_name) = ANY(_pgtrigger_ignore) INTO _result; RETURN _result; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ''' )